Automation is the use of electronics, technology or computer controlled devices to assume control of a process or a system. Some say Automation is defined as “the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services”. Automation which is propped up by artificial intelligence and machine learning, is already having profound impacts on the lives we live, on a daily basis.
Automation is the process of performing tasks automatically which were previously performed by humans. Automation crosses all functions within industry from installation, integration, and maintenance to design, procurement, and management. Automation is useful in many industries and some of them are mentioned below:
- Marketing & Sales Industries
Automation is evolving quickly in the past decade and the business intelligence that is used in applications is a new form of high-quality automation. In the technology domain, the impact of automation is increasing rapidly, both in the software/hardware and machine layer. However, despite advances in automation, some manual intervention is always advised, even if the tool can perform most of the tasks to reduce further errors or complications.
Automation involves a very broad range of technologies including robotics and expert systems, telemetry and communications, electro-optics, Cybersecurity, process measurement and control, sensors, wireless applications, systems integration, test measurement, and many more. Through automation, every business in various industries can improve their quality, increase their efficiency, shorten their time in manufacturing and releasing the product to the market and improve flexibility.
Automation is basically transforming businesses will naturally contribute to the economic growth in the form of productivity and efficiency. At the same time, these automation technologies will transform the nature of work and the workplace of the businesses. Machines will be able to carry out more of the tasks done by humans, complement the work that humans do, and even perform some tasks that go beyond what humans can do. As a result, some occupations will decline, others will grow, and many more will change.
While it looks good at the sight of new technological improvements, there’s also the problems of joblessness in many industries due to automation. But there’s also the say where automation gives organizations an opportunity to replace mundane, repetitive processes without direct human intervention, reducing fatigue and production errors -- be it in manufacturing, technology, retail or service industries. Automation also rises to the openings of new jobs in various industries for those who are skilled in technologies of respective domains.